Qualification & Contact

After studying mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen with a focus on rail vehicle technology and conveyor technology (diploma 1993), I studied law at the University of Münster. In 1998 I passed the first state examination in law with distinction. In 1999 and 2000 I completed my legal clerkship. I worked for three months each in a patent law firm, in a large national law firm and in a law firm in Toronto, Canada. At the beginning of 2001 I passed my second state examination in law. I have been admitted to the bar since April 2001. In addition to my legal clerkship, I worked on market studies for a management consultancy on trams and light rail vehicles, diesel railcars for regional rail transport, energy supply systems for passenger trains and regional rail transport services and their allocation in Germany. In 2015 I completed my dissertation on "Non-discriminatory access to the railway infrastructure in Germany".

Mobile & Fax

Mobil: +49221/39982-10
Fax: 0221/39982-20


You can reach us at any time using the following email:


Rechtsanwalt - Dr. Kurt Fuchs
Düppelstraße 13
50679 Köln